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What Can We Not See...Yet?

There is some basic element in each of us, like water, which can glow, under the right circumstances and with the right intentions and energetic exchange. The question remains, "Do you know how to access it?" The answer should not come easily. For this is not a quiz, nor a test, definitely not an exam. It does require you to examine yourself and understand why it is so hard to resist finding an answer. We have been taught for so long, the light lies in the answer. The sensation lies in the answer. The way lies in the answer. What we have been told is inaccurate at best, misinformed and misaligned and malicious at worst.

There are freedom's footpaths in the darkness. And the darkness is not nothing. The vacuum is anything but emptiness. It is wholeness and connectedness. We have been taught to turn off those sensors, to fear the footsteps unguided, and grip and grasp until we have a sense of ourselves. What if the darkness is not nothing. It is something we cannot see...yet.

Close your eyes and let the colors of wonderment wash over you. Let the path where there is no light guide you in a kaleidoscope of curiosity and connectedness. You are not alone, even behind those heavy eyelids.

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